Blessed in the Kingdom of God - Sat. Jan. 28, 2023

Blessed in the Kingdom of God - Sat. Jan. 28, 2023

Jan 28, 2023

Preacher: Pastor Mike Sager

Category: Worship Services


This week’s text begins with what is often described in the Gospel of Matthew as The Sermon on the Mount. In chapters 5 through 7, Jesus articulates the vison for living in the Kingdom of God. In these twelve verses, Jesus lists out for us what it takes to be blessed in the Kingdom of God. Jesus is laying out for his disciples and for all those who long to follow him instructions that are simple, memorable, and foundational core competencies. The knowledge of which is critical for mastering what it means to be a Christian. The structure is formulaic and familiar to most of Jesus’ hearers as advice for “the good life.” The understanding of being called “blessed” is expanded beyond the expectations of the world to a new understanding that is based upon the breaking in of the Kingdom of God. The beatitudes are divided into three questions. The first question is who is it that will find the kingdom of God? The second question is what is it that these seekers find? Finally, what is the price to pay for those who seek the kingdom?

Dig Deeper:

How does the Kingdom of God get expressed in your own life?

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