Seeing is Not Believing, Sun. April 16, 2023

Seeing is Not Believing, Sun. April 16, 2023

Apr 16, 2023

Preacher: Pastor Craig Larson

Category: Worship Services


The disciples gathered on that Sunday night. The doors locked out of fear. As followers of the one crucified, they wondered who would be next. Even though they heard that the tomb was empty, that did not help them answer the question, “What is going to happen to us?” Suddenly, though the doors were locked, Jesus appeared. His words were “Peace be with you.” Today, it would be “Settle down. It really is me, so don’t be afraid.” Have you ever been in a group where everyone else experienced something great, like a concert, movie, or party, and you felt left out? If so, you know how Thomas felt. He wasn’t there, and we don’t know why. Thomas said, “Unless I see the marks in his hands and touch his hands and side, I will not believe.” Even today, he is referred to as “Doubting Thomas.” To tell the truth, we may say the same thing. Jesus did not leave Thomas in his unbelief. Jesus came back just for Thomas in the same way he comes to us. Jesus appears in so many ways that sometimes we miss him. But he never gives up on us. Know that the tomb is empty, and that Easter Joy is more than just once a year. 

Dig Deeper:

If you could prove it, you would not need faith. Think of all the things that you take on “faith.”

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