"Free Parking" - Sat. September 2, 2023

"Free Parking" - Sat. September 2, 2023

Sep 02, 2023

Preacher: Pastor Mike Sager

Series: Around the Parking Lot

Category: Worship Services


When you drive into the parking lot, you will notice on your left the first words of our mission statement - Celebrate Grace. This is a reminder that as we, or anyone else, come to this place, we all enter through God’s amazing grace. There is no other way to enter than through the grace that God has for the world. Our attempts to circumvent grace only leave us outside with the older brother who refused to celebrate the return of his younger brother and saw his relationship with his father as a transactional relationship. Because the older son was faithful, unlike his younger brother, he felt he earned and was more deserving of his father’s love, all the time unaware that his father loved them for being who they were, not for what they did or did not do.

Dig deeper:

What about God’s grace in your life are you called to celebrate with joy? 

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