"The Holy Trinity" - Sun. June 4, 2023

"The Holy Trinity" - Sun. June 4, 2023

Jun 04, 2023

Preacher: Pastor Mike Sager

Category: Worship Services


This weekend the concept of the Holy Trinity is remembered and celebrated. The word Trinity cannot be found in scripture; the church created it to describe a reality that is difficult to comprehend. How do you talk about an event or person that is made up of three separate but equal realities, all filling the same space at the same time, while each remains visual and distinct? There was no language for it. So, the word Tri-unity was created. Now for some, this might be troubling. How can we worship or understand God if we do not have any words or concepts to form our thoughts? God says, my ways and my thoughts are so far above your thoughts, O human. Troubling, yes. We are called to trust in a God we can neither adequately describe nor understand. And although that is troubling, it is also quite comforting. We do not need to figure out or pretend we have all the answers about God. And if you think about it, it would be more troubling if the God we trust is a God we can completely understand. Then God would be no more or less than us, and we become God based upon what we know. And that would save no one.

Dig Deeper:

What challenges does the concept of the Holy Trinity bring to your mind?

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