"What is Gratitude?" - Sat. November 11, 2023

"What is Gratitude?" - Sat. November 11, 2023

Nov 11, 2023

Preacher: Pastor Mike Sager

Series: Rejoice

Category: Worship Services


Often in November, our thoughts turn to being grateful for all that we have; as a nation, we take the time each year to remember to be thankful. Many will sit around the dinner table taking turns stating what they are thankful for this year. A scriptural understanding of an attitude of gratitude does not imply that life will be easy or without suffering or pain. A scriptural understanding calls us to be grateful for the work of Christ and God’s love for us despite our suffering and pain. Gratitude gives us eyes to see and hearts to believe beyond our present situation. Trusting that each day has moments of grace and blessings of God that fills us with gratitude. We do not focus on what we do not have or how our situation would be different but instead on what is, seeking out the blessings of God in our situation. This weekend we especially remember our veterans who served our country in times of war and peace. Please keep them and their families in your prayers with grateful hearts.

Dig Deeper:

This week I invite you each day to write down three things for which you are grateful.

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